3 Best Sports Bars In Perth

Okay whether you are watching the AFL, NRL, Boxing, Poker, Formula 1 NBA or even the women’s wrestling ? there is nothing better then heading down to a good old fashion sports bar. You know, the one where you and all your mates can go in and enjoy the game in comfort, eat great food, drink some beers and banter along with everyone else there watching the big game.  The girls at Bad Bunny know this and that why we have complied a list of the 3 very best sports bars in Perth. So next time the big game is on, or that epic fight between Mayweather and McGregor (please let this happen lord) then you can head down and enjoy in style……just please don’t be too harsh on the losing teams supporters though ?

Carbon Bar, Crown Casino

Known to most west Aussies as simply the Cas, the Carbon Bar at Crown Casino is one of the very best places in the whole city to go and watch whatever sporting events are on. Recently crowned  2015’s best sporting entertainment venue in Perth, this bar is truly a sporting fans home away from home. Seize all the supercharged match day action with your mates as you enjoy the game on the biggest LED Screen in the Southern Hemisphere! With the main center screen  measuring 13m wide x 4.5m high and two side screen measuring 8m wide x 4.5m high the Carbon Bar at crown casino offers sports fan an unforgettable experience. And for those that want to take this experience up a notch the Carbon Bar offers a sports bar gold pack which gives you access to 12 plush seats, a personal host (not as good as a bad bunny but I guess it will do ?) and the best view in the house, just make sure if you do decide to book this for the next big game you invite some of us bunnies ?


 The Brook Bar & Bistro

If you love  relaxed vibes, sports, great pub meals and a bet or two then the Brook Bar & Bistro is the place for you. This ultra modern, stylish venue is located in Ellenbrook in Perth North, and is perfectly set up to cater to all mad sports  fans. With a huge projector screen inside, a 65” plasma outside and four more plasma screens streaming in the latest local and international sports , you’ll have the best sporting experince possible. The Brook Bar & Bistro cover all the big games including, Boxing, cricket, AFL, rugby, English Premier League, A-League, NBA, the ATP tour, cycling, athletics, plus heaps more! This Sports Bar also features a TAB so you can place a few punts on whatever game you are watching (hey gambling always makes things more interesting ?) and top it off with Delicious pub meals running all week, The Brook Bar & Bistro is defiantly one of the top sports bars in Perth.


The Game Sports Bar in Northbridge

Now this place is defiantly the Bunnies favorite sports bar in all off Perth and hey with a name like The Game Sports Bar you would expect so. This venue has only been opened for a few years now but already has left a deep impression on most hardcore sports fans in Perth, with sporting memorabilia plastered all across the venue, the staff dressed like they are about to officiate a game of soccer and a inbuilt basketball ring and court inside, the Game Sports Bar lives up to its name. But wait we haven’t even scratched the surface, with 32 big screen TV’s (two of the biggest in WA) this bar is simply huge, 2 levels, over 5 bars, pool tables and live broadcasting of every single sporting event. Oh and you can order the famous varsity burgers from next door to come right to your table so you can chow down as you watch the game. See us bunnies told you this place was good ?


Check out more articles from Bad Bunny: 

Confessions Of Perth Strippers

These stories are told from the perspectives of Perth based strippers, these are all real and go through what exactly they experienced on either a night at the strip club, a private function or even nights where they were just there by chance! Remember if you ever need a Perth stripper then contact the team at Bad Bunny! Enjoy the content below boys, we know you will

These bunnies have been in the game for a while now……….Entertaining you boys with amazing shows and tantalizing beauty……holding down your bachelor parties, poker nights, boat parties and events over all these years and in this time we have all seen some hilarious shit ………lets face it when guys get drunk things tend to get funny…….and sometimes a little weird. That’s why bachelor parties have an unwritten code of silence. Well, guess what? These Bunnies are breaking it


So only 2 years ago one of our bubbling bunnies (let’s call her Bunny X……..in fact all confessions will be released through the phantom of the strip club Bunny X ) was attending a small 21st birthday party held at the birthday boys house to put on an amazing show for the guests. Bunny X rocked up to the house and knocked on the door and was met by a young man who had organised the show for his mate………quickly she met and greeted all the boys ( about 10 young guys / NO parents  ) and wissed away to a spare room to get ready for the show.


Okay so nothing crazy happens yet but hold on we are getting there….basically it was the run of the mill routine ( ill let your imagination work it out ? ) …. the lucky birthday boy was brought out and placed in a chair with all his mates standing around watching and the show began. So after the main show was done Bunny X pulled out the whip ( surprisingly the birthday boys face lit up )  and began whipping his behind while his pants were down……….and then this is where things got awkward ( well for the birthday boy that is )……..see the whole show was being performed inside the living room and down the corridor watching in absolute horror was a elderly looking lady………….seems the birthday boys 71-year-old grandma had come over to drop off his birthday present


Never has anyone face turn that red, that quick…..and the speed in which he got up and pulled his pants up was quicker then any bad bunny could get unchanged. Basically, this poor boy scurried up with his pants half down trying to explain to grandma what was going on………all his mates pissing themselves laughing, including bunny X.


After the initial shock from the boy and his grandma everything was explained ( luckily she didn’t have a heart attack ) and the show ended up………in fact the grandma offered Bunny X tea ( bless her ? ) she even told Bunny X how she uses to date a male stripper back in the day? ……….Safe to say this was one birthday that boy will never forget…….or his grandma!


Check out more articles from Bad Bunny: 

The 3 Best Paintball Venues In Perth

Okay so you have a birthday, bucks party or maybe you just want to do something with your mates……well there is nothing more fun then shooting tiny balls off paint at each other that leave you bruised and battered   Paint ball has to be guys go to activity when it comes to any sort of event, and hey us bunnies cant blame you. Sitting in-front of the TV playing call of duty can only go on for so long, you are a man and need the experience of war, but instead of getting showered with bullets you just get a little paint on you  still hurts like a bitch tho   ). That’s why the girls at Bad Bunny have complied a list of the 3 best paintball venues and operators in Perth so you know where to go next time you want to get your black hawk on


Delta Force Paintball

Delta Force Paintball Perth located on Bore Rd, Muchea is one of the top operators to satisfy all your paintball needs. With 5 uniquely designed venues to choose from, the fun will never end as you unload round after round on the birthday boy or future groom. These 5 different gladiator like fortress are The Wall, Wild Wild West, The Fort, Speed Ball, and the bunnies personal favorite Tomb Raider . In the Tomb Raider you are sent on a mission to retrieve the rare treasure from the heart of the pyramid, but beware its heavily guarded . With 15 dollar all day passes per person Delta Force Paintball is defiantly a perfect place to wage war on your mates and any other unlucky souls who happen to be there .

Big Game Paintball 

Big game paint ball does exactly that, talk a big game…….and luckily for them they deliver. Unlike a lot of paintball venues Big games is well BIG……..and we are talking about the venue size of course . Located 30 minutes from the city in Baldivis on 414 Hopelands Road Big Game Paint Ball venue is the biggest venue in WA, filled with achers of bush & scrub as well as old rusted cars and trucks, this venue is defiantly for those looking for a huge all out war. Perfect venue for a large birthday, bucks or event, this venue along with the deals off 300 paint balls for 35 dollars make it not only one of the biggest but also the cheapest. So yes Big Game talks a big game and normally these bunnies don’t buy into guy talk  ……….but hey this lot defiantly walk the walk, so next time your small army of mates want to celebrate something Big Game Paint Ball are the ones too call.


Wasp Paintball 

You want to know why they call it wasp……because when you get hit it stings…….and trust us you will get hit . Wasp Paintball located at 414 Karoborup Road North, Carabooda is definitely the bunnies number 1 place for paintball and its because of there arena…….the abandon theme park  ! Once known as the family theme Dizzy Lamb Park the team at Wasp Paintball have breathed new life into the venue making it the most extraordinary REAL LIFE gaming Paintball field in Perth. This awesome venue full of old castles, rides and towers is one of the biggest paintball venues in WA. Oh and if that doesn’t quite do it for you Wasp Paintball also has a warfare field and a urban battlefield, leaving the groom to be or birthday boy with no where to hide . All of this as well great packages (including the BBQ lunch) leaves Wasp Paintball as the bunnies number one paintball venue for your next bucks party, birthday or event.

Check out more articles from Bad Bunny: 

The Bad Bunny Girls Confess Their Worst Dates Ever !

Okay we have all been on one or two horrible dates in our lives…….you know the ones that make you think hmmmm maybe being forever alone wouldn’t be that bad ? ?….haha okay but in all seriousness these bunnies have had some shocking dates over the years and that’s why we are spilling the beans and confessing all of our worst and most memorable dates over the years. Oh and don’t worry guys these bunnies always play nice so there will be no naming and shaming ?


Our first Bunny date confessions is definitely one with a weird twist….enjoy ?


So one day I was invited on a date for some Thursday late night shopping…..I had met the guy through a mutual friend at a party and he seemed really sweet and was pretty easy on the eyes…..I drove out to the Shopping Center and arrived in the food court at 6 0 clock (this was the decided meeting time). So I sat down in front of the Red Rooster counter ( what a romantic spot to meet ? ) and waited for my prince charming to arrive, well soon it was 6.20 and I was thinking he was going be a no show (okay I know what you’re thinking, you got stood up girl, well not quite). Eventually he rocked up, he quickly dashed over gave me a hug and apologized for being late (traffic apparently) I wasn’t really all that mad just excited to get the date on the way and see where it leads. That’s when I noticed a tiny little lady standing legit 2 feet away from my date and just staring with a weird smile ?. At first I thought she was just one of the many people trying to get some shopping in…..NOPE……”oh I nearly forgot this is my mum” said my date….”she can’t drive and needed to pick some things up from the shops so I said she could come”…………….:”Oh great” I said (what was going through my mind was a completely different story ?) Now don’t get me wrong guys I love a guy who has a good relationship with his mum, but there is a time and a place, and a first date is defiantly NOT the place.


Well basically after the awkward meet and greet the 3 way date began……first stop the health food shop to get mum some lotion to help with her old cracking heels. To cut a long story short we basically walked around getting things for his mum, the whole time I could feel her piercing old gaze on me every time I wasn’t looking, plus she didn’t say a word to me the whole time…………I think she was worried I was going to steal here boy away from here…………Don’t worry mum he is all yours ? ?


Out of all the dates I have been on that was probably number one hands down the worst date ever!!! I mean the guy was more interested in his mum’s foot fungi problem than me. Moral of this story guys is that it’s a good thing to get on with your mum, but please leave her at home……all girls not just us bunnies want to feel special and when we take time out to hang or get to know them. We definitely don’t want to be fighting for your attention with another girl……….especially your mum ?

xxx ?‍

If any of you ladies need a Male Stripper or topless waiter contact the Bad Bunny Girls……Just use the code word (mummy’s boy) for 5 percent of all services ?

Check out more articles from Bad Bunny: 

What Is A Divorce Party – And Should I Want One ??

Okay some of you may be thinking what the hell is a divorce party???……the last 6 months, year, 2 years have been hell for me , why would i want to party or celebrate it ? Well that is exactly that reason you should throw a divorce party, just like a marriage divorce parties celebrate the closing of relationships, just as your marriage marked the opening. People who throw divorce parties understand  all that planning and coordinating they did for there wedding enhanced the day, and they want to make the start of their new, post-marriage life just as special ?

Despite Divorce Parties become more and more apart of culture, some people still think they’re in bad taste, but many embrace them for what they are, a valuable ritual where friends and family can help a divorcing person through a difficult life change. The Bunnies get this and that’s why we are here to tell you the do’s and dont’s for your divorce party to ensure it goes down how it should.


Is it okay to throw your own Divorce Party?

Most defiantly!! In fact it might be exactly what you need. A divorce is a stressful and emotional time (us bunnies get that) and a divorce party is a way to mark the end of a difficult time and the beginning of the rest of your life. But be sure to ask good friends to chip in and help just as you probably did when you got married ?


I’m having a Divorce Party who should I invite?

This is totally dependent on your mental state but you do also have to take into consideration others feelings, especially those who were friends of both you and your ex. Not everyone is comfortable attending these kind of event, especially the oldies so its just best to keep the guest list to close friends and relatives who will get it………will be way more fun without them anyway.


When should i have my Divorce Party ? When is it too soon ?

There are no rules on scheduling. You should have your party when you feel you want and need it. Some people even do it during the divorce proceedings  it can be refreshing, especially if the whole process is tough (which 9 times out of 10 it is). Others will wait until all the dust is settled, but we recommend to just go with your instincts ?.


Is it okay to burn the ex’s belongings or talk trash about them at the party?

?? Burning stuff is a very primitive and satisfying process. It’s a form of simple therapy,  tossing things into the flames and watch them be consumed and obliterated. This can also be very empowering process and is often a metaphor for new beginnings, however please don’t take anything that’s of value to your ex’s and burn it. Stick to things that remind you of your once lover. Burn that dress or suit you wore on your wedding day, any photos together…..basically anything that reminds you of your ex… burn it….burn it all!

No when it comes to talking trash or gossip about your ex you need to be very careful of this. Often beneath the surface of most divorces there is a great deal of pain and hurt, and talking about your once significant other can bring forth a lot of negative emotion……..and we all know this is a major party killer. ?  Best to leave the dirt for another time and just focus on having fun with your friends instead.


Should the ex ever be invited?

Are you crazy!!………..haha okay, only under very very rare circumstances would your ex ever be welcome to your divorce party ( if they would even want to come).  The only time these bunnies would suggest inviting your ex is if your relationship has matured to that of a cordial friendship, one where there is respect for each other and no malicious emotions felt………..but common how often does that happen, that why we suggest keep the ex as far away from this party as possible ?

How To Make XXL Watermelon Jell-O Shots For Your Hens Night

Got a Hens night coming up?? looking for hens night ideas Perth ? well if so you got to celebrate in style, and what better way then with XXL watermelon jello shots for you, your friends and the lucky bride to be ?  These Delicious treats will not only bring a lot of color and a summer feel to your party, but also might get you a little wasted ? ?


Step 1 

Gather all the supplies you will need to create these awesome jello shots. ( 4 ingredients in total )

  • 3 – 4 boxes of red jello
  • 2 – 1 boxes of unflavored gelatin
  • 1 bottle of vodka
  • 1 watermelon


Step 2 

Once you have all the ingredients you will need the following equipment.

  • Paper towels
  • 2 large bowls (one to mix the Jell-O, one for the watermelon you’ll scoop out)
  • 2 small sheet trays or baking dishes (each needs to be big enough to fit a watermelon half)
  • Liquid measuring cup
  • Electric kettle (or you can boil water another way)
  • Cutting board
  • Kitchen spoon
  • Whisk
  • Chef’s knife


Step 3 

First, cut your watermelon in half, lengthwise ( that will leave you with 2 halves )

Use your knife to slice all the way around the perimeter of the watermelon flesh, about an inch from the rind. Then use your spoon to scoop out the flesh.

Scrape down the insides so that the surface is relatively smooth and there’s about half an inch of red flesh left on the rind. You’ll end up with two watermelon “bowls” ready to be filled with delicious, boozy Jell-O.


Step 4 

To keep the watermelon bowls from moving around on the trays, you’ll have to create a bed with paper towels. Then, put two folded paper towels on opposite sides of each tray. Your watermelon will lie in that gap in the middle.

Add all of the Jell-O mix and all of the unflavored gelatin to your mixing bowl. Add 4 cups of boiling water and whisk together for 2 minutes, until all of the gelatin has dissolved. Then add 4 cups of vodka, and whisk just to mix everything together.

Now, divide the Jell-O mixture between the watermelon bowls on the paper towel-lined trays. Refrigerate for 4 hours, until the Jell-O is completely set.


Step 5 

Now its time to slice up your boozy watermelon and serve to all at your hens night :)……..enjoy ladies.

How To Make Orange Jello Shots For That Hens Night

Hens night…..they are full of laughter, fun and well alcohol, but you cant just sip on any old thing. That’s why the girls and guys at Bad Bunny have created a guide on how to make orange jello shots! These fruity creations will bring color and class to your hens night……oh and you might even get a little tipsy ? ?


Step 1

Gather your supplies, you will need

  • Oranges ( each orange makes 8 slices )
  • Jello mix
  • A Pot
  • A Bowl
  • A Spoon
  • A Knife
  • Vodka

Gather your oranges and cut them in half.


Step 2

Scoop out the orange flesh with the spoon to make it into a bowl. Or use a orange squeezer by hand (when using orange squeezers don’t apply to much force as it will grind through the orange peel and create holes in it).


Step 3

Prepare your jello, by following the instructions on the box of the jello product. Depending on the recipe boil the required amount of water in a pot then pour it into a bowl with the jello powder, also add the most important part of the recipe….. vodka ( as much as you like ? )  . Mix with a spoon until the powder has completely dissolved,  then carefully pour the jello liquid into the orange shells.


Step 4

When oranges shells have been filled place inside your fridge until the jello liquid is harden (this can take up to an hour)

After the jello is fully harden cut the oranges by halves.


Step 5

Repeat the first 4 steps with different flavors and serve on a plate……now its time to enjoy your hens night ?

Hens Night Coming Up….Here Are 5 Cake Ideas For It

Okay ladies the big night is inching closer……yes that’s right your hens night is near ( wait, you didn’t think we were talking about your wedding day ? ) Anyway the team at Bad Bunny Strippers knows how to put on a hens night!…..and we know that every hens night there needs to be cake…….i mean what kinda celebration doesn’t have cake?? Luckily the bunnies have put together a list of 5 cake ideas that will have your bride-to-be blushing ?…..and all your taste buds satisfied.


This one is for all the Harry Potter fans Out There, make sure he doesn’t use his wand to cast a spell on you 😛


Alligators bite, and bite hard…..but us bunnies have been to a few hens nights and we know you ladies bite harder ?


Yes its winter in Perth now but there is no harm in adding a bit of tropical theme for your hens. Make sure you get into them coconuts ??


They say a elephants trunk is what they use to attract a mate…..makes sense?


Every party needs balloons and cake…..so why not combine the two together for one awesome cake…especially like the one above ?


Check out more articles from Bad Bunny: 

Watching The Derby This Weekend?……Here Are 5 Ways To Do It Right!

It’s that time of the year, can you smell it?  It’s footy season and the pride of Western Australia is taking the field. NO I am not talking about the Freo dockers, but the mighty West Coast Eagles. We know you will be watching the first derby of 2016 and that’s why the team at Bad Bunny have come up with 5 things you must have if you are a serious Eagles supporter.

1. BBQ

 The first Eagle’s vs Freo game of 2016 wouldn’t feel quite right if there wasn’t a bbq to light up now would it? It’s time to dig deep into the freezer and pull out that meat pack you won at the local footy club raffle last season. Make sure it’s all there, you need steak, sausages, lamb and in honor of the mighty blue and gold (and Chris Judd) some chicken wings! Oh and maybe a little salad for the ladies too.

Bonus: Until April 10th we are offering a 10 percent discount on all Topless Waitress services, Just click here


2. Flat screen TV ( who ever has the biggest )

Okay who has the biggest TV? We all know how much men like to brag about how big there stuff is so whoever has the largest TV that’s where the party is at. You can’t watch Kennedy stutter on just any old TV, it has to be top of the range, I am talking about that real HD where it actually feels like you are there. So tell the misses that those repeats of Farmer Wants A Wife will have to wait, its footy season!


3. Merchandise and lots of it

Merch…Merch…Merch….we are talking about hats, scarfs, jumpers, t shirts, beanies, visors, sweatbands, stubby holders, socks, the starter pack for any dedicated Eagles fan. If you don’t have anything to wear head down to Bunnings and buy some blue and yellow paint. Yes you may feel a little light headed from the fumes but this isn’t the time to be a wuss, throw on that war paint and get ready. Oh and yes we get its Perth and it’s still like 30 degrees but we don’t care, get out all your eagles gear, anything that is blue and gold and wear it proudly.


4. Half time kick to kick

The annul half time kick to kick, a tradition held onto by many, a time to show the world you would of been playing for the mighty Eagles if you never did your knee back in under 14s. Despite the eye rolling from your mates as you tell them of your 10 goal haul back in the day, you are never discourage to show them what’s up. Have at least one person looking out for cars, please don’t hit the old ladies roses across the road again, and yes we get it you should be playing for the Eagles but don’t forget you’re old and those knees don’t work like they used to. So please don’t try and go for a SAMPIEEEE type hanger on your mate.


5. Topless waitress

So you have got the barbie going, all your eagles fan merchandise ready, the big TV so real it feels like you’re on the interchange bench and now there is only one thing missing. Yep you guessed it… a beautiful topless waitresses to serve you all that beer and meat. Of course they will join in with the abusive remakes towards the umpires and Fremantle players, these bunnies love footy too!


Bonus: Until April 10th we are offering a 10 percent discount on all Topless Waitress services, Just click here

Just Graduated From UWA ? – Here Are 5 Ways To Celebrate

You’ve made it! It’s finally over, all the years of late nights on red bull, pimple breakouts from the stress and all the early mornings just so you can get a park has finally come to an end. You have fully graduated and are now ready to step into adult hood, but hold on a second! If you have just graduated from UWA then you need to ensure you end it with a bang! Below we have complied five ways for you to let loose UWA style before you are finally an adult 🙁



You have spent hours upon hours of your time at the holy of holies the UWA tav. Splitting jug’s with your mates has always been a tradition, best part is you never had to pay, not because you were the big dog on campus no, as soon as it was your turn to pay the next round you would be off to study at the library.  So go back with your mates and enjoy one or six more beers at the ole tav, just make sure you actually pay for a round this time.


Goong Pong

The four letter word that all uni students know, GOON. You may have never got your chance to show your athletic talents off at the uni games, but by god you know this is your time to shine.  And whilst a respectable adult would never drink such a vile liquid the bond you have formed over the years with this sweet nectar demands you to take part in one more game. Go forth, rally up your squad and prepare for a tournament on par with that off the gladiators. Only one will be left standing.


Burn it, Burn it all!!!

The amount of money you have spent on textbooks…..100000000000010100…….the amount of time spent reading them textbooks…0…I hate all my text books and I know you do too. On day one you forked out all your summer job money for books as thick as the bible just to never be used. Only one thing to do with those retched parchments, burn them, burn them all. Yes that’s right burn it up and make a huge ass bon fire. Dance and chant as you give homage to the uni gods that your time has come to an end. Maybe even sacrifice a virgin engineering student.



 Wednesday night at Captain Stirling

Captain Stirling or more simply cap s is the one place all UWA kids go to party on a Wednesday night and so should you, I mean you only graduate once right. The years of slavery were oh so soothed by a night at cap s listening to niggas in pairs each week. The herds of cows (students) that migrate from their pens (trinity house) are all a part of the cap s experience. Go there, get drunk and annoy the overly strict security just one more time for us…Please.



Get a stripper

Yes yes I know what you are thinking of course you recommend a stripper, well we are talking about celebrating right? And we all know that to take celebrations to the ultimate level you need to see some flesh. Years spent locked away in your room taking notes has left you sexually frustrated, and hey if you were the big dog at UWA then this is the only way to prove it.

Bonus: Just for all our graduates we are offering a 10 percent discount on any service until the end of march. Just use the code stripclass101 either in the description contact form or over the phone.
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